Kitsch Religios



In perioada 6 Februarie – 6 Aprilie, impreuna cu partenerul nostru AFI Palace Cotroceni am decis sa transformam Muzeul Kitsch-ului intr-o expozitie publica cu intrarea gratuita. Pentru ca sectiunea de Kitsch Religios nu a fost bine primita de anumite persoane, am decis sa o retragem din expozitie, insa o puteti vizita online.

Sa fie pace! 🕊️

Echipa Kitsch Museum!


Between February 6 and April 6, together with our partner AFI Palace Cotroceni we decided to transform the Kitsch Museum into a public exhibition with free admission. Because the Religious Kitsch section was not well received by some people, we decided to withdraw it from the exhibition, but you can visit it online.

Peace be upon you! 🕊️

The Kitsch Museum team!